(Bella Figura Letterpress)
婚禮的邀請卡正在緊鑼密鼓的由艾莉莎的好朋友設計中,其中有一款是 Letterpress 凸版印刷的,將委由美國的印刷廠印製,真是不惜血本 > <,就為了一個設計夢...
看過做高檔喜帖的台灣廠商所印製的凸版印刷成品後,考量到設備的限制,暫時還先不考慮(僅有圓盤印刷機, 而且專用紙跟墨水都沒有...無法像國外成品那樣精準細膩 )
1. 墨水顏色
國外印刷廠大多遵守Pantone PMS配色系統,有庫存很多標準uncoated Pantone色票,印出來是非亮面偏淡的顏色(這就是凸版帶給大家復古的感覺),不可以像普通印刷那樣用飽和的coated色去填。

(Boxcar press 販售許多letterpress專用墨水)
部分廠商接受客制色,但是要另外加收調色費用,所以設計時最好用Pantone uncoated色票的顏色,會減少麻煩。印刷前可以聯絡印刷廠告知色票號,有的印刷廠除了PDF的數位樣外,還會提供所指定色號真實印刷樣的照片當作參考,畢竟螢幕跟實際印刷絕對有差距。
2. 線段粗細
線段至少 0.35 pt 以上
點點寬度至少 1pt ~1.25 pt 以上
Adobe Illustrator: Line Tool
使用線段工具畫0.35pt 直的橫的各一的線段,用這個線段去檢查文字,尤其是中英文的襯線字(serif),如果比較細的話,就把襯線處變寬囉,怎麼做就不贅述了 (會用AI的達人們相信比艾莉莎這個門外漢瞭解多了)
Adobe Photoshop: 因為PS的Line Tool最戲只支援1pt,所以請盡量用InDesign來完稿囉..
3. 紙
Neenah 所經銷的Crane Lettra紙是letterpress專用紙,超過7成的印刷廠都是使用這款紙,純棉,硬度軟,又不會太吸墨而讓水性墨水暈染開,可惜台灣代理商沒進,只有香港買的到。 Apple HK 提供的凸版卡片印製就是使用這款紙所印刷。分為110 C(300g/m) & 220 C(600g/m)
Hi Alisha :)
回覆刪除I'm a graphic designer who grew up in Australia but have recently come back to Taiwan for holiday and work. I am currently designing some greeting cards and other stationaries and I love the letterpress effect. However it is really hard to find a letterpress printer in Taiwan who can print what I want. Do you know of any printers and/or where I can find a letterpress machine like Heidelberg Windmill in Taiwan? If I cant find a suitable printer, I'm thinking of even printing it myself with the machine.
I have been searching for a while now and really would like to know.
Thank you!
As I know, there's no Heidelberg Windmill in Taiwan because it's too expensive. Few workshops still in business are using Platen-Type Press(圓盤印刷). Here's a printer you can call: (02)2541-4956.
回覆刪除I need to remind you that Taiwan didn't have professional inks and Lettra paper supplies. So the result is not as good as in other countries. I print my card via StudioOnFires(US printer).